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[b]ISO27001认证咨询-ISMS运行过程.注意事项[/b] ISO27001 authentication consulting -ISMS running process. Notice -有针对性地宣贯信息安全管理体系文件。 - the implementation of information security management system. 体系文件的培训工作是体系运行的首要任务,培训工作的质量直接影响体系运行的结果。 The training of the system files is the primary task of the system operation. The quality of the training work directly affects the result of the system operation. 组织应根据培训工作计划的安排并按照培训程序的要求对全体员工实施培训。 The organization should train all staff in accordance with the arrangement of the training program and the requirements of the training procedures. 通过培训使全体员工认识到新建立或完善的信息安全管理体系是对过去信息安全管理体系的变革,是为了向国际先进的信息安全管理标准接轨,要适应这种变革和新管理体系的运行,就必须认真学习、贯彻信息安全管理体系文件。 Through training so that all employees recognize the new build or improve the information security management system is the information security management system reform is to conform to the advanced international information security management standards, to adapt to this change and new management system, we must seriously study and implement the information security management system. 加强有关体系运行信息的管理,不仅是信息安全管理体系试运行本身的需要,也是保证试运行成功的关键。 Strengthening the management of the operating information of the relevant system is not only the need of the trial operation of the information security management system, but also the key to ensure the success of the trial operation. 所有与信息安全管理体系活动有关的人员都应按体系文件要求,做好信息安全的信息收集、分析、传递、反馈、处理和归档等工作。信息安全体系文件属于组织的信息资产,包含有关组织的全部安全管理等敏感信息,组织应按照信息分类的原则对其进行分类、进行密级标注并实行严格的安全控制,未经授权不得随意复制或借阅。 All personnel related to information security management system should do well in information collection, analysis, transmission, feedback, processing and archiving according to the requirements of system files. Information assets information security system files belonging to the organization, including relevant organizations of all safety management and other sensitive information, the organization should be in accordance with the principles of information classification of its classification, classification label and strict security control, shall not copy or borrow without authorization. 将体系试运行中暴露出的问题,如体系设计不周、项目不全等进行协调、改进。 The problems exposed in the trial operation of the system, such as undesigned system design, project incomplete and so on, are coordinated and improved. 信息安全管理体系的运行涉及组织体系范围的各个部门,在运行过程中,各项活动往往不可避免的发生偏离标准的现象,因此,组织应按照严密、协调、高效、精简、统一的原则,建立信息反馈与信息安全协调机制对异常信息反馈和处理,对出现的问题加以改进,并保证体系的持续正常运行。 The various departments of information security management system involving the scope of the organization system, in the process of operation, the activity is often unavoidable deviations from the standard phenomenon, therefore, should be in accordance with strict organization, coordination, efficient, streamlined, unified principle, the establishment of information feedback and information security coordination mechanism of abnormal feedback and processing, to appear the problems to be improved, and guarantee system to continue normal operation. 实践是检验真理的唯一标准。 体系文件通过试运行必然会出现一些问题,全体员工应将实践中出现的问题和改进意见如实反馈给有关部门,以便采取纠正措施。 Practice is the only criterion for testing truth. There must be some problems in the system documents running through trial run. All employees should give feedback to the relevant departments in real problems and improvement suggestions in practice, so as to take corrective measures. [b]ISO27001 ISO27001认证 ISO27000 ISO27000认证 ISO27001国际标准 ISO27001证书[/b] ISO27001 ISO27001 authentication ISO27000 ISO27000 certification ISO27001 international standard ISO27001 certificate [b]ISO27001认证咨询-ISMS运行过程.注意事项[/b] ISO27001 authentication consulting -ISMS running process. Notice -有针对性地宣贯信息安全管理体系文件。 - the implementation of information security management system. 体系文件的培训工作是体系运行的首要任务,培训工作的质量直接影响体系运行的结果。 The training of the system files is the primary task of the system operation. The quality of the training work directly affects the result of the system operation. 组织应根据培训工作计划的安排并按照培训程序的要求对全体员工实施培训。 The organization should train all staff in accordance with the arrangement of the training program and the requirements of the training procedures. 通过培训使全体员工认识到新建立或完善的信息安全管理体系是对过去信息安全管理体系的变革,是为了向国际先进的信息安全管理标准接轨,要适应这种变革和新管理体系的运行,就必须认真学习、贯彻信息安全管理体系文件。 Through training so that all employees recognize the new build or improve the information security management system is the information security management system reform is to conform to the advanced international information security management standards, to adapt to this change and new management system, we must seriously study and implement the information security management system. 加强有关体系运行信息的管理,不仅是信息安全管理体系试运行本身的需要,也是保证试运行成功的关键。 Strengthening the management of the operating information of the relevant system is not only the need of the trial operation of the information security management system, but also the key to ensure the success of the trial operation. 所有与信息安全管理体系活动有关的人员都应按体系文件要求,做好信息安全的信息收集、分析、传递、反馈、处理和归档等工作。信息安全体系文件属于组织的信息资产,包含有关组织的全部安全管理等敏感信息,组织应按照信息分类的原则对其进行分类、进行密级标注并实行严格的安全控制,未经授权不得随意复制或借阅。 All personnel related to information security management system should do well in information collection, analysis, transmission, feedback, processing and archiving according to the requirements of system files. Information assets information security system files belonging to the organization, including relevant organizations of all safety management and other sensitive information, the organization should be in accordance with the principles of information classification of its classification, classification label and strict security control, shall not copy or borrow without authorization. 将体系试运行中暴露出的问题,如体系设计不周、项目不全等进行协调、改进。 The problems exposed in the trial operation of the system, such as undesigned system design, project incomplete and so on, are coordinated and improved. 信息安全管理体系的运行涉及组织体系范围的各个部门,在运行过程中,各项活动往往不可避免的发生偏离标准的现象,因此,组织应按照严密、协调、高效、精简、统一的原则,建立信息反馈与信息安全协调机制对异常信息反馈和处理,对出现的问题加以改进,并保证体系的持续正常运行。 The various departments of information security management system involving the scope of the organization system, in the process of operation, the activity is often unavoidable deviations from the standard phenomenon, therefore, should be in accordance with strict organization, coordination, efficient, streamlined, unified principle, the establishment of information feedback and information security coordination mechanism of abnormal feedback and processing, to appear the problems to be improved, and guarantee system to continue normal operation. 实践是检验真理的唯一标准。 体系文件通过试运行必然会出现一些问题,全体员工应将实践中出现的问题和改进意见如实反馈给有关部门,以便采取纠正措施。 Practice is the only criterion for testing truth. There must be some problems in the system documents running through trial run. All employees should give feedback to the relevant departments in real problems and improvement suggestions in practice, so as to take corrective measures. [b]ISO27001 ISO27001认证 ISO27000 ISO27000认证 ISO27001国际标准 ISO27001证书[/b] ISO27001 ISO27001 authentication ISO27000 ISO27000 certification ISO27001 international standard ISO27001 certificate
